Abingdon Construction Specializes in Tin Ceiling Installation

Author: Abingdon Construction
Categories: Business

    Company : Abingdon Construction,
    Contact Name : Mark Gruber,
    Phone : 1-718-819-9972,
    Email : info@abingdonconstruction.com,

    These tin ceilings can create a unique, old-fashioned look to any ceiling, making it an interesting choice.

    Abingdon Construction is pleased to announce they specialize in tin ceiling installation to give individuals the look they desire for their homes and businesses. These tin ceilings can create a unique, old-fashioned look to any ceiling, making it an interesting choice.

    Tin ceilings can be finished in a variety of different looks to best match the décor or the theme the home or business owner is looking to achieve. In addition to the various finishes, these ceilings can also be textured and patterned to create a new look. The expert craftsmen at Abingdon Construction are skilled in creating many looks with the tin so that home and business owners can create the exact look they desire. As a fourth generation company, they have plenty of experience in installing these ceilings as well. The installation of a tin ceiling requires extensive care and expertise, which means choosing experience is always the best option.

    Their experts will work with each customer to determine the theme and color of the tin ceiling. The tin can be plated with brass, copper or chrome to create unique looks with themes, such as gothic, art deco, Victorian and colonial, to create the perfect look for a ceiling. This gives a classical look to any home or business.

    Anyone who is looking for more information on installing a tin ceiling in a home or business can find out more by visiting the Abingdon Construction website or by calling 1-718-819-9972.

    About Abingdon Construction: Abingdon Construction is a fourth generation tin ceiling installation company that offers services to both residences and businesses. They provide a long list of product offerings that allow home and business owners to create the exact look they desire. For more than 105 years, the company has created tin ceilings and installed them in homes and businesses throughout the New York area.

    Contact us :

    Contact name : Mark Gruber
    Company name : Abingdon Construction
    Address: 2032 East 64th Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11234
    Telephone number: 1-718-819-9972
    Fax number: 1-516-869-4095
    Business Email id : info@abingdonconstruction.com

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