Drone Privacy

Author: Vision Air Photography
Categories: Photography

    Company : Vision Air Photography,
    Contact Name : Vision Air,
    Phone : 1300 557 099,
    Email : info@visionair.com.au,

    VisionAir understand, however, that many people still have privacy concerns regarding aerial photography and have taken it upon themselves to incorporate these concerns into their process.

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) are a relatively new phenomenon and as such, the rules, regulations and ethics regarding their operation are still somewhat undeveloped. Australia, however, has some of the toughest regulations in the world. As aerial photography is both their passion and livelihood, the VisionAir team, led by Jim Moustakas, take any rules and concerns very seriously, closely following existing guidelines and using common courtesy in those aspects of drone use that remain unregulated.

    The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is the national body responsible for setting the rules regarding drone use across Australia. Different rules apply for commercial drone users and hobbyists, and VisionAir adheres strictly to the commercial guidelines.

    As stipulated by CASA, each pilot operating a VisionAir drone is fully certified, ensuring that they not only know how to fly a UAV carefully, but are also fully aware of the various CASA rules. These rules include no-fly zones, altitude restrictions, limits to proximity to people and visibility minimums.

    VisionAir understand, however, that many people still have privacy concerns regarding aerial photography and have taken it upon themselves to incorporate these concerns into their process. If working in a residential area, the VisionAir team visits neighbouring properties to inform residents of their plans and to reassure them that they are not being photographed. This is not part of any legal or regulatory code, but Jim felt he had an obligation to be transparent about the UAV operations VisionAir undertake.

    A little courtesy seems to go a long way, and once privacy fears have been allayed, most people are more curious than anything. If you would like to know more about how Jim and the VisionAir team conduct the finest aerial photography operations in an ethical manner, get in touch with them today.

    Company Name : Vision Air Photography
    Address : Suite 211, 58-60 King St, Newtown, NSW 2042
    Phone : 1300 557 099
    Email : info@visionair.com.au
    Website : https://visionair.com.au

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