RSI Insurance Now Offers Free Quotes for Special Events and Weddings
By: Phineas Gray
Posted on : November 20, 2014  Views : 2691

Fort Lee, New Jersey : RSI Insurance is excited to announce they are now offering free quotes for weddings and other special events. A leading provider of hospitality industry insurance, RSI believes offering free quotes for this niche market will vastly improve insurance coverage at special events.

RSI Insurance has been a premier insurance provider in the metro New York and New Jersey areas for the past 20 years. Currently, clients include nearly 1,400 locations, such as nightclubs, pubs and delicatessens. RSI also insures caterers. Expanding into the special events category was the logical next step. By offering free quotes on these insurance policies, it is likely more consumers will consider adding insurance to their special events.

The brokers at RSI Insurance have owned or currently own restaurants themselves, making them uniquely qualified to asset consumers with understanding insurance regulations in an often confusing area of the law.  The brokers can easily assist consumers with understanding what insurance they need to carry, as well as additional or optional insurance. Understanding how these various policies impact a business\'s plans and goals makes it easy to make the right insurance decisions.

This is particularly true when considering insurance policies for special events or weddings. RSI will take into account a variety of factors, including event type, locality, alcohol involvement and more to tailor a plan for each specific event, providing a free quote to the event coordinator.

Anyone holding a wedding or special event in the near future who is concerned about insurance can find out more by contacting RSI Insurance today. They can help individuals understand what is needed.

About RSI Insurance: RSI Insurance is a leading provider of insurance for the hospitality industry. With more than 20 years of experience and a client list of more than 1,400 restaurants, bars, coffee houses and other food establishments, RSI has the experience needed in the insurance industry.

Name:  RSI Insurance
Address:  400 Kelby Street, 8th Floor
City: Fort Lee
State: NJ
Zip code: 07024
Phone: 914-332-1700
Fax:  914-332-9688

RSI Insurance offers business insurance coverage for restaurants, nightclubs, bars, lounges, delis, pizzerias, coffee shops, caterers and more.